Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is There Really Life After Death?

I am a Christian and I am afraid of dying. I am told my fears come from a horrible childhood. Jesus would tell me, I have a lack of faith. I also believe He would understand my heart. I read a passage in the Bible the other day and I cannot stop reading it. It excites me and comforts me at the same time. The passage is in the eleventh chapter of John.
The story is about Lazarus. Lazarus was dying and his two sisters wanted Jesus to save him. Mary and Martha had complete faith in the power of Jesus. They believed in Him with all their hearts. Jesus arrived after Lazarus died. However, Jesus told everybody Lazarus was not dead, he was just sleeping. The people thought Jesus was a little mad. Lazarus had been in his tomb for four days. Jesus knew Lazarus had died, but his death was not for forever. Lazarus was asleep for a time.
Jesus told Martha that her brother would rise again. Martha said she knew Lazarus would rise again in the resurrection or the last day. This is where the good part comes in. “Jesus said to her. ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die-ever. Do you believe this?’ ‘Yes , Lord,’ she told Him, ‘I believe You are the Messiah, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.’ “ (John 11:25-27 The Apologetics Study Bible).
Everybody knows the story about how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This was one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed here on earth. Lazarus had been dead for four days and Jesus had the power to raise him from the dead. This story teaches us a lesson. Jesus is teaching us an important lesson. Jesus is our savior. He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. He rose from the dead and defeated Satan. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. He is God. Jesus is part of the three in one. The three in one is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Jesus has the full power of God at his disposal.
In this scripture Jesus was telling us that if we believe in Him, even if we die, we will live. He will raise all of us up on the last day. He is telling us we will never really die. Our death is a sort of sleep. We will sleep until Jesus returns and raises all of us up into eternal life. We will live with him in Heaven for eternity. This is a promise all Christians can believe in.
This scripture taught me a lesson about faith. Yes, I am a Christian. Yes, I have a fear of death. Yes, Jesus has the power to defeat even death. As a Christian, there really is nothing for us to be afraid of. Jesus is on our team. He is God. He promised he would raise each one of us up on the last day. The most important thing is for us to believe in Him. Without Him we can do nothing. With Him all things are possible.

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