Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Video Game Bug Has Hit Our Family

My son loves video games.Enough to start sneaking in online video game design classes between his regular ones? We'll see.  He loves to play Little Big Planet on our Playstation 3, he loves to play games on his DS and he loves the family games on our Wii system. My son is seven and he is a gamer at heart. He even loves war games, but don't tell his mom. She doesn't like video games and really hates war games. My son has the video game bug deep within his heart.

One day my son was on the web and he found a new game. He was excited because there was a free trial for this new game called plants vs zombies. He tried the game and was immediately hooked. He told me about the game and let me know he wanted it for his collection.

If you have a son like mine most likely he loves to play video games. The cost of these games can run into the hundreds of dollars. Sometimes, I wish there was a safe place online where my son could play all the games he wants to for one low price. In the long run it would be worth it because you know your children will be bugging you for all the new games as they come out on the market. The funny thing is they don't even understand the true cost of the games, they just want to play them.

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