Monday, January 2, 2012

Why You Should Tip Your Beer Vendor

Most people don't realize the importance of tipping an in the stands beer vendor. Beer vendors are sub-contractors who do not receive a salary. They receive a small percentage of their beer sales (usually 40 cents to 85 cents per beer) and they have to work hard for it. The other way beer vendors make money is through your tip.

I know you hate paying $7-$10 for a beer at the stadium. Many people ask me why I charge so much. My boss and the stadium share the profits and I receive only a small piece of the action. The stadium, the NFL and others are greedy, not the beer vendor. Your tip is what keeps the beer vendor from starving, your tip pays the bills.

The next time you go to the stadium, tip your beer vendor. It may be me and I will thank you for your dollar. We don't get paid what you think and we work hard for the money. Now that you know the facts, thanks your beer vendor for their hard labor and show them your love. If you want to hate anybody for the price of your beer, look at the owner of the stadium.....

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