Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reply I Received From Congressman Thomas J. Rooney About Gun Control

Dear Mr. Coffie:

In light of the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, I want to thank you for contacting me regarding the steps the federal government is taking to address gun control and stem the root causes of such horrible events.

I am shocked, disgusted and heartbroken by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As a father of three young boys, I cannot begin to imagine the pain the families of the victims are facing. My prayers go out to all that were affected by this terrible event. 

There have been many suggestions from policymakers on how we can prevent these types of tragedies in the future, from improved school security to expanded federal control over the gun permitting process, and an outright ban on weapons.  We must act responsibly and thoughtfully, and recognize that more must be done to provide education, awareness and support to our nation's school districts as they join in the conversation and develop ways to keep the children within their walls safe. 

I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment; therefore I want to ensure we are asking the right questions to find out how this tragedy happened and then determine what could have been done to prevent it. In light of these horrible events, we as leaders need to have a serious conversation about how we can keep our children safe while protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding, responsible gun owners.

Also extremely important in these discussions are considerations relating to the improvement of mental health services.  Preventing individuals with mental health issues from accessing the kinds of weapons used in these horrific shootings is critical. Additionally, promoting better support and treatment for individuals with mental illness is critical in truly addressing the root causes of such senseless acts of violence.

Should legislation be introduced, and the conversation on gun control is continued, I will keep your thoughts in mind. I encourage you to visit my website atwww.rooney.house.gov to see how I am representing you in Washington, DC, and to sign up for my e-newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact me again should there be another federal issue that is important to you. 

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