Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GM Crate Engines Are The Power Under Your Hood

I love automobile racing and everything there is to do with it. I used to see myself behind the wheel of one of those powerful race cars, but eventually reality set in. Racing a car on the circuit takes talent, money, sponsors and a little bit of luck. I don't have any of the above, so I am a fan that loves to watch the races on television and in person. Lucky for me, I live a few hours from Daytona and it is really cool to go to a car race. I have friends in the business, but they are in the minor leagues. If it was baseball, they would be in single A racing or what I call wishful thinking. There are only a few who make it to the big leagues when it comes to car racing. The rest of us are dreamers who spend our time in our garages making the car of our dreams.

My favorite car was the 1970 Chevy Monte Carlo I owned years ago. It was in mint shape and had a brand new 350 engine under the hood. I always wished I had the money to buy one of those gm crate engines, but I had to settle for what I could afford at the moment. I had to eventually get rid on Monte because I lost my job and driving the car cost me a mint. The Chevy Monte Carlo could pass nearly any car on the highway, but it sucked down the gasoline. I sold it and bought a more economical car because my finances were in a bind. I still dream about my Monte, it was a fun and a fast car. I wish I had the money to put more power into the car and actually took it for a spin on the track. Maybe someday. Until then, I am stuck watching my favorite sport in person and on my television. 

If you ever have a chance to build a race car and take it for a spin on the track, make sure you do it. Age will creep on you faster than you think, so you better live your dream while you can. I had one car that was a blast to drive and a terror on the road. I love speed and I love sitting behind the wheel. Racing is fun to watch, but I always wondered what it would be like to be involved in a real race. I believe this is why some guys street race when they are young. The adrenaline you feel when you actually have power under your hood is incredible. 

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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