Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Bed And Breakfast In Kansas City

My sister is still looking at Kansas City homes. She had looked at a ton of homes, but has not found that home that fits her and her family yet. My sister lives in upstate New York and they rent. She has lived in this little town her entire life. Except for the few years she moved to Kansas City to live. Her husband has lived in this small upstate New York town for his entire life. He never intends to leave the place because he loves it and it is his home. My sister (on the other hand) has different ideas. She wants to move to Kansas City, buy a home and turn it into a bed and breakfast. This has been her dream just as soon as she was old enough to dream.

My sister loves to cook and to decorate. She loves to take care of people and she is good at it. Upstate New York is okay with her, but she doesn't believe it is the place where she will fulfill her dream. She remembers her time in Kansas City. When she lived there, she almost took the next step and began her bed and breakfast. Things did not work out for her because of finances and personal problems. She had to move back to New York and get herself back on her feet. I remember when she moved back, she was broke and in an emotional wreck. Her relationship with her ex-husband was over, she was a single mother and she was penniless.

After all of these years, my sister is ready to make her start. All she has to do is find the perfect house and convince her husband to move away from upstate New York. I hope she is able to live her dream because she deserves it. I would love to visit her bed and breakfast and spend a week there. It would be the perfect place for my family and I to use as a summer vacation place. She continues to look at houses and I believe she would find that perfect place in Kansas City. I am living my dream right now after a lifetime of hardships. I hope my sister is able to to find that perfect house in Kansas City and turn it into a place where people will come thousands of miles to visit.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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