Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Three Great Things about a Land Rover

Few cars are have as much character as the Land Rover. If you’re an adventurous, outdoorsy individual looking for a joy to drive, the Land Rover could be the fit for you. If you’re shopping for a Land Rover in Portland, you should keep reading to find out more information about these fun cars.

Perfect for Off-Roading Adventures

Land Rovers are unbeatable when it comes to off-roading adventures. By virtue of their build, they carry the majority of the weight down low for greater stability. Land Rovers also tend to have strong transmissions (if kept in good shape) and provide better traction. Their suspension systems are built to absorb shock and serve a variety of functions. Many models are equipped with terrain response systems that can sense and adapt to a variety of conditions. Some can even ford rivers! Plus, it wears mud well. You’ll have no end of fun with a Land Rover. They combine luxury and rugged adventure all in one!

Things to Keep in Mind

Land Rovers have improved a lot over the last few years; their lack of reliability used to be a disadvantage, but the newer models have addressed many of the older problems. The mileage is going to take a hit on your gas budget, but if you’re prepared to shell out the extra money, it’ll be worth it. After all, virtually all big cars and SUVs have low gas mileage. Take a Land Rover in Portland out on a test drive, and you’ll see for yourself!

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