Monday, May 4, 2015

PKB The Portable Kettlebell Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product.

The Most Versatile Kettlebell Set On The Market!
This Portable Kettlebell from PKB is without a doubt the answer to your kettlebell training questions.
Portable? Take it anywhere! At home or on the road, inside the gym or outdoors. When finished, the PKB empty weighs less than 10 oz. and can be rolled up and packed up for travel on vacation or for work.
Adjustable? Choose your weight! Fill the PKB up with sand, water, dirt or rocks with sizes and weights ranging from 0 - 45lbs. Perfect for the beginner to the seasoned kettlebell enthusiast.
Versatile? More than a kettlebell! The PKB can be used as a dumbbell, weighted ball and more allowing you to create full body workouts with one piece of equipment.
Safe? Designed to protect! The PKB can be dropped and tossed without destroying you or your surroundings, within reason of course!
Key Features
• Handmade of Ballistic Nylon: Puncture, tear, abrasion resistant 
• Use just about any filler: dry or wet sand, pebbles, gravel, dirt, mud... 
• Webbing reinforced: 1,800lb+ tensile strength 
• Includes a 4" X 3" swath of loop velcro to personalize with patches 
• Made in the U.S.A. 
Reviews from Real PKB Users
• a lot harder than training with iron! 
• A plus is that it's soft, so it doesn't beat up my arms when I press with it. It does exactly what I wanted. 
• Love traveling with these! We travel to mostly beaches so I can fill them up easily and get in just as intense of a workout as if I were in the gym. I even use them for training clients outside! 
Don't miss out on your chance at the greatest kettlebell training available! Get your Portable Kettlebell TODAY!

I received this product in exchange for my honest review. First of all, I waited to the last minute to review this product for two reasons. One, because I hurt my bag, which makes my daughter the star on YouTube and not me. Secondly, the company is particular about how you put this product on Facebook and it was just not working for me on Tomoson. Bad luck for me, I guess. This product is a good product, but is not water proof. We wanted to use water in it because it is easier and cleaner than going outside and using sand. Yes, sand works, but can be messy. The Kettlebell is solid and easy to use. #pkb Now we just put a video of this Kettlebell on YouTube. I didn't put sand in it because I hurt my back. My eight year old little girl put rocks in it, so she could show everybody that a little girl can use this Kettlebag too.  Khloe is the star and she proves even a little girl (who has a dad who hurt his back) can use this Kettlebell

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