Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lies From The White House: Barack Obama

We are fooled into believing politicians are supposed to lie to us. Politicians are not supposed to lie to the people of the United States of America. Politicians are voted in to their positions to serve the people. The problem is most politicians are greedy and their agendas become more important than the people. President Barack Obama wants to be reelected and seems to be willing to do anything to spend four more years in the White House. This series will show you some of the lies he believes you and I are dumb enough to swallow.

President Obama led you to believe that Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed because of an anti-Muslim YouTube video. You can watch the video here if you want to, but it will be a waste of your time. The video is low class film making at best and had nothing to do with the killing of Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens. Obama said. 'What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.' (Speaking at a candidate forum on the Spanish-language network Univision) We now know this was a lie that came out of President Obama's mouth. We know this was a terrorist attack that the White House hid from all of us.

Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens was in fear for his life. He said he was on an al Qaeda hit list before he was killed in an attack on the Benghazi consulate. The Libyan government warned the US three days in advance about the attack on Ambassador Chris Stevens and our government did nothing. They didn't even give the ambassador the protection he needed. Where was President Obama on 9/11 and why didn't he take these threats seriously?

President Obama was at a 9/11 memorial at the White House and than he spoke at the Pentagon about the victims of 9/11. The next day (after hearing about the murder of Chris Stevens) Barack Obama skips his intelligence briefing and goes to a fundraiser in Las Vegas . Our ambassador to Libya is killed and Obama goes on another fundraiser.

To make matters worse, Mitt Romney criticizes Barack Obama for not doing enough and there is more news about Romney's comments than the terrorist attack that took out our ambassador. A week after the attack, the White House finally admits that the attack (that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens) was a planned terrorist attack commemorating the 9/11 attack of the twin towers in New York City in 2001.

Who is to blame? President Barack Obama is our Commander in Chief. He took credit for the killing of Osama Bin Laden. He deserves the blame for the murder of Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and the cover-up that followed. President Obama had all the information he needed to protect our ambassador and to tell the US people the truth when his administration screwed up. Our President and his administration lied to us to protect his bid for reelection. White lie or straight out lie, I will let you decide.

The Independent
Fox News

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