Thursday, May 28, 2015

Michael W Smith Sovereign Giveaway June 8, 2015

I remember Michael W Smith from years ago. He will be releasing this CD in the very near future. Click on the CD picture to see a video of an upcoming release.
Here’s a quote from MWS on the video:

"I’m really passionate about the song SKY SPILLS OVER.  It was fun creating it in the studio and I’ve been overwhelmed at the response it gets when we perform it live every night.  My son Ryan is a really talented filmmaker so I always enjoy working with him on a project.  But what made this project even more special was that 3 of my own grandkids were in the video.  This video was a lot of fun to make.  I hope people enjoy it!"

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.” There will be a giveaway for a copy of this CD, so look for it early next week

Listened to the CD and took me two times to see that I actually likes it. Great Christian music.

Monday, May 25, 2015

FREE Organic Matcha Green Tea Review 100 Review + Giveaway

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product. 
  • FAT BLOCKER, BURNER & METABOLISM BOOSTER - Matcha is an all-natural metabolism booster that aids to burning fat up to 4X faster than average. Unlike other Weight Loss Diet supplements, Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder has no negative side-effects like hot flashes, increased heart rate or high blood pressure. It's best to drink Matcha 15 - 30 min before a workout to enhance fat burning.
  • LOWERS CHOLESTEROL - One bowl a day keeps the doctor away. Drinking this USDA Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder, regularly, will aid in preventing heart disease by lowering the levels of LDL (Bad) cholesterol while raising the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. This brand of Matcha Green Tea Powder is an excellent dieting supplement and Natural Detox for your everyday nutrition.
  • ENERGY, MEMORY AND FOCUS ENHANCER - Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder has an Amino Acid called L-Theanine, which enhances all day energy, mental clarity and focus for up to 6 hours. One bowl of Match can give you that clean all day energy diet you're looking for. Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder is also considered the best coffee substitute because Matcha Green Tea does not give you jitters unlink coffee. The clean all day energy and focus you receive when drinking Matcha is excellent for intense studying or high focus jobs.
  • HEALTHIER THAN BREWED GREEN TEA - USDA Organic Matcha green tea powder has over 1300 antioxidants, which is 137X more antioxidants than traditional brewed green tea. Traditional green tea is just brewed from the leaf, with matcha you are consuming the entire green tea leaf. This dramatically increases the amount of natural antioxidants and L-Theanine you consume. Matcha Green Tea Powder is an excellent Coffee Substitute, Metabolism Booster and Weight Loss Diet Supplement.
  • LATTES, SMOOTHIES, SHAKES & BAKING MIX - Matcha Green Tea Powder can be used in a verity of different baking recipes such as Lattes, Smoothies and Shakes. Our Matcha Green Tea Powder comes in an easy to use zip lock packaging, which allows the Matcha Green Tea Powder to stay fresh for long periods of time. When you purchase our match, you will receive a free copy of the Top 100 Matcha Recipe eBook.

We received this product for free, the review and/or opinion is my own.  My tea was green and powdery. Perfect for putting in my smoothies. I take about a teaspoon and put it into a smoothie. The smoothie covers the taste, but I still get a burst of energy. I think this tea is great. If you haven't had organic matcha tea before, make sure you are careful taking it out of the bag. You may lose some because it is powdery and is easy to spill. I taught my kids to enjoy my smoothies, they get good nutrition and this tea enhances that flavor. My son is hooked on matcha green tea, he loves it. I love how it makes me feel after a hard workout.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A Very Special Mother

I'm fifty years old
Many good years have passed me by
I still smile
When I look into your eyes

The stresses of life
Often turn our days into night
Those are the moments
I'm glad to have you by my side

I've been touched by loneliness
A time or two
Sadness and pain where here
Before the day I met you

You were the rock
When I nearly died
I still remember every moment
You were there when I cried

You have not always said
What you mean or feel,
But I know
Every bit of your love is real

You are my friend
You are my wife
The mother of my children
That important part of my life

I honor You today
As a woman, as my lover
I honor you today
As a very Special mother

Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product. 

  • Scientifically formulated for maximum vitamin D absorption; Each bottle contains a one-month supply of thirty measured applications
  • Using the pump dispenser, press down once for a single dose of nourishing lotion; Each dose delivers 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 per measured dose
  • Our scent-free hypoallergenic lotion is gentle on the skin, odorless, nonirritating
  • Maxasorb D3 vitamin D cream is easy to use
  • Our product can safely be used with most prescription medications

I received this product free, in exchange for an honest review. My wife has a really hard time taking vitamins. I told her that I got her another free vitamin, but she didn't show any interest. She has a hard time swallowing the pills. I told her it is like a hand cream and the vitamin soaks into her skin. She tried this like it were a hand cream. She noticed the smell was minimal and it was easy to use. She also appreciated that the product softens her skin. Now my wife can take vitamins without having to try to swallow pills. Great product.

Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product. 

  • Infused with antioxidants and moisturizers, greaseless Maxasorb dissolves effortlessly into your skin for maximum vitamin absorption
  • Helps soothe dry, itchy, or irritated skin patches from eczema, psoriasis, or other skin rash
  • Maxasorb B12 cream is easy to use
  • For anti-aging, supports renewal of healthy skin cells, reduces appearance of wrinkles, moisturizes
  • Scientifically formulated for maximum absorption; Each bottle contains a one-month supply of thirty measured applications of vitamin B12 methylcobalamin

I received this product for free, in exchange for an honest review. I am always looking for energy. I take Vitamin B Complex, but I don't enjoy the big pills. I was surprised when I learned you use this kind of like a hand cream. You can use it on eczema and it puts Vitamin B into your system. The process is easy, there are no pills and it actually gives you a boost of energy. Great product that's easy to use and gives me the energy I am always looking for to help me through my busy schedule. 


Best Ever Juicy Burgers


The simple addition of mayonnaise to the ground beef makes a deliciously juicy burger every time!

  • SERVES: 8
  • PREP TIME: 10 min
  • COOK TIME: 10 min



  1. COMBINE Mayonnaise, bread crumbs and Soup Mix in bowl.
  2. MIX mayonnaise mixture into ground beef; shape into 8 patties.
  3. GRILL or broil until done. Serve burgers on buns.
SMART TIP: For the Hellmann’s® taste you love with the goodness of olive oil, substitute Hellmann's®or Best Foods® Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil. BARBECUE TIP: For a delicious creamy barbecue sauce topping, combine 1/4 cup BBQ sauce with 1/2 cup Hellmann's® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise. Spoon on juicy burgers and enjoy! TIP: If using ground turkey, oil grill or broiler pan before cooking.
Cost per recipe*: $9.93 Cost per serving*: $1.24 *Based on average retail prices at national supermarkets.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Trip Through The Woods And A Fight With The Deer Flies

Doug and I decided to take a six mile hike through the woods. About a mile into the hike, the deer flies acted like I was a rotten piece of meat and they were hungry for me. Over the next five miles, hundreds of these flies dive bombed me, trying to get a taste of my flesh. I never thought my flesh actually tasted this delicious. I killed fourteen of these beasts and they managed to take a chunk out of me two times.

The deer flies made me pick up the pace through the woods. I was walking so fast, that I heard animals take off all around me. All I really saw was a baby snake, a huge slug, a large owl that I startled (likely out of his sleep) and a good size black racer who slithered into the woods in front of me. When I reached the end of my walk, I was thankful. The deer flies decided they liked the woods and did not follow me to the car.

As I waited for Doug, I talked to forest ranger who pulled up. He asked me about the animals I saw on my hike and was especially interested in hearing about the big owl. He agreed it was unusual to see one in the middle of the day. He told me the deer flies would only be active for another two to three weeks. He said he had to deal with them dive bombing him many times and understood my hate.

Finally, Doug made it out of the woods. I was starting to wonder if the deer flies were too much for him, but he came out in one piece. I was disappointed that he only managed to kill one lonely deer fly. I am saddened that my friend was out maneuvered by a clan of buzzing deer flies.

Plumb Exhale Review

About PLUMB:
Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, better-known by her stage name Plumb, is a songwriter, recording artist, performer and author. Plumb has sold more than 500,000 albums and over two million singles worldwide, co-penned songs for numerous other artists, including Michelle Branch, Mandisa, Mandy Moore, Jaci Velasquez, and Natalie Grant, and had music placed in many films and television shows.Originally signed as a Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) recording artist in 1997, Plumb is now known as well as or better in alternative rock, electronic dance music, and for the use of her music in film and television than she is in the CCM market.

About the album:
EXHALE, the seventh studio album from acclaimed multi-genre singer, songwriter and author PLUMB, expresses a new focus and vision. After the runaway success of NEED YOU NOW (the album, title track and book), which coincided with her own moving story of brokenness and ultimately healing, Exhale brims with worshipful songs of gratitude and hope.

The defining concept of EXHALE was born from a sermon at Plumb’s home church, wherein her pastor Pete Wilson expressed the notion that the Church doesn’t exist for itself. Rather, believers come to church to breathe in grace and truth, be changed, and then go out and “exhale” that hope into their surrounding community.

“That idea of exhaling hope hit me right away and I couldn’t get to the Notes section on my phone fast enough. I started writing the chorus of Exhale right then and there,” explains Plumb. “I have been made new by the ultimate hope, and I want to share and exhale that hope in every way I can.” 

I had the chance to check out the Plumb CD Exhale for free, the review is my own. I must first say that Plumb's music is not my type of music to listen to. I'm into harder music, always have been. I do like that Plumb relates to God in every one of her songs. Her singing (although soft for me) is actually great Christian music. Her words and the meanings are perfect for Christian's the world around. It was interesting for me to listen to a CD that was far away from what I'm used to. This music is better suited for people like my wife that enjoy music that is on the lighter side.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bluegreen Resorts Review Number Two

Bluegreen Resorts wants you to call up and confirm your reservations. This is odd because you call them up to make reservations and then you have to confirm them. I did learn something they didn't tell me when they sold me their four nights in a hotel on the beach. You have to pay thirteen percent that they wait until the third time they talk to you to reveal. I expected some interesting things, here's why they want you to confirm.
They want to know is both spouses are 25 years old
They want to know if both of you have ID's and credit cards for identification
They want to know (for the third time) if both of you make over 40 grand as a couple
They tell you where to meet to get your hotel reservations and the time
They tell you if you are late for their sales pitch, that you have to reschedule and have to pay them some money.
They showed me that they are like all the other companies that are trying to sell you a timeshare.

The only thing that I don't like so far is not being told about the 13 percent in taxes I have to pay for the hotel.

I have Marriott Rewards and I do not pay tax
I have a Holiday in CC and I do not have to pay tax

I did have to pay $11.20 in taxes for a free flight I got with miles to Arizona, but this is the first time I am paying taxes for a hotel room that is supposed to be free.

The Florida Black Racer Snake

We were gardening and replacing some grass in our front yard. We also had to rake a bunch of leaves, just the usual yard work. I also had to cut some branches off the bushes and the large oak tree in our yard. We were finished and my wife was walking to the front door of her house. A very large black racer snake slithered by and she jumped back. I looked up the snake when we got in the house and found out it is not poisonous. They won't bother you as long as you ignore them and let them be. They will bite you if you try to catch them or harm them. They are a snake that gets rid of rodents, so they are good for the environment. This is nice to know because I had one slither by me one day when I was jogging. If you ever visit Florida, we have a bunch of poisonous snakes, but the black racer is not one of them. It just looks scary.

Bluegreen Resorts Review Number One

I will be reviewing this company over the next couple of weeks. My wife and I went to Ellenton, FL to the outlet malls. A guy introduced us to Bluegreen Resorts. For $199 we are supposed to get a fifty dollar gift card, 4 day cruise for two, and another 25 dollar gift card. We are also supposed to stay in a hotel on the beach in St. Petersburg, FL for four nights. So far we have received the fifty dollar gift card and a letter that tells us where to meet. It is odd that you have to show up before you even get to know where you will be staying.

In the meantime, I checked out all the bad reviews on the internet. I also checked eBay and found out you can buy one of their timeshares for a dollar. The problem is each one has an above $700 maintenance fee which is collected each year you own the timeshare. I'm going in with my eyes wide open to their timeshare. Stay tuned for the next review. I have to call them again because they want me to confirm the reservation I already made.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Do You Got A Clue About Your Beer Vendor?

I'm one of those guys, the beer vendor. We walk around with totes filled with beer for those of you who are thirsty at sporting events, concerts and things like that.




Smart Weigh- Black Digital Food Scale- Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product.

  • State-of-the-art accuracy and clarity. Features an advanced technology, high precision sensor system that provides definitive readings each time.
  • Seeing is believing. Large backlit LCD display provides easy visibility coupled with a thin, sleek design that looks beautiful in any environment.
  • Each weight is displayed in various units including lb, oz, g, ml, and cups. Special liquid feature measures water and milk in cups or milliliters.
  • Easy-to-use touch buttons with confirmation click lets you affirm your user choice, providing confidence and convenience in the kitchen.
  • A modern and sleek tempered glass design provides elegance and durability while serving all of your kitchen and household weighing needs.
I received this scale for free in exchange for an honest review. The kitchen scale is very easy to use. When it is delivered, open the package and take it out. There is a tab in the back made form plastic, pull it out. Your scale is ready to use. Now you put it on your counter and push zero button on the right bottom. Now your scale is ready to use. If you are like most of us, you made a New Year's Resolution a few months ago. Often, this resolution is about losing weight. If you are a man (like me) we may eat the right foods, but too much of the right foods. Now you have a scale, where you can weigh out your food. You can do this for your whole family. It's time to eat right, healthy and the correct amount. This scale works perfectly and will become a huge part of my kitchen. Now you have some ammunition to keep to your resolution. I like this scale because it is solid, it works great and is very accurate. Could us this at home or in a restaurant.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Review of

I received a free subscription of this service in exchange for an honest review is just what it sounds like. It is a movie subscription service filled with G Movies. It's more than that, these movies are religious movies. There are a pretty good variety of movies on the site. I have seen a few and there are many more I want to check out. The one thing I don't like is you have to watch the movies on your own computer.

Here is the link to GMovies, so you can check them out yourself. The cost is only $4.99 a month and you and your entire family can watch good Christian movies and shows together.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Camping Folding Shovel Pick With Compass Product Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product.

Stop looking! You've found the Best Folding Emergency Survival Tool on Amazon. This multi-purpose folding shovel is the perfect travel mate for the adventurist in you. 


*Folding shovel, dibble pick, saw, compass and bottle opener 
*Great for outdoor activities like gardening, camping, hiking, mountain climbing, military digging and more 
*Easy to use and carry 
*Store it in your car when not in use, so it could be handy in emergency situations 
*Open soda bottles, beer or wine bottles with the bottle opener edge while enjoying the outdoors 

Folded: 6 inches long 
Unfolded: 16 inches long 

What's in the box? 
*One (1) Folding Shovel 
*Electronic Delivery of Survival Guide eBook. Should you have trouble receiving it please contact us and we will email it immediately. 

We received this free, in exchange for an honest review. I should tell you, this shovel is designed for adults. My kids put a video on YouTube about it, but they have experience doing these sorts of things. Even so, they did manage to dig up my yard a bit during the video. I used a tool like this when I was in the army. I noticed that this tool looks a little weak, but it does work well. I worry a little about durability, but it did stand up to the testing from two strong children who didn't hold back at all. This shovel can come in handy for gardening or in case you have some sort of emergency when you are on the road. We used them a lot in the army and you would be amazed what you can do with a small shovel, pick and compass like this.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Berry Omega Blast From BlenTec

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce your risk of heart disease. This smoothie is a tasty way to get omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.


12   cup 
apple juice
12   cup 
1   cup 
fresh raspberries
1   cup 
frozen strawberries
1   tbsp 
1   cup 
ice cubes


Add ingredients to WildSide+ Jar in order listed and secure lid. Select "Smoothie" or blend on a Low speed for 10 seconds, then a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 10 seconds, then Medium to Medium-High speed for 40 seconds.


  • Servings 2.0
  • Sodium 9 mg
  • Serving Size 12 fl oz
  • Carbohydrates 41 g
  • Calories 185
  • Fiber 9 g
  • Fat 2 g
  • Sugar 23 g
  • Saturated Fat 0 g
  • Protein 3 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg

Check Out The Reviews ForThe Type Of Loan Me Loans You May Be Looking For

Many people have trouble getting the right kind of loan from a bank. Part of it is the economy and part of it is the needs and wants we all have. When the economy fell, many people were left completely upside down in their homes. I have a friend who owes almost four times what his home is worth. He cannot get another loan from a bank because his life was always turned upside down with no fault of his. It was like he was in the wrong time at the wrong place when he decided to buy his home

There are all kinds of loans we need during our lifetime. You may need a car loan, business loan or personal loan. That same bank that looks at you differently now won't give you any of those loans anymore. That is why you have to check out an option that may fit your lifestyle. I call it the type of loan you may be looking for. You need that money now and when you apply for the loan you will get your money fast.

The bank may look at you differently now. They look at you as a high risk individual. Banks are there for the purpose of making money from you. There are other loan companies who are applauded for their exceptional customer service. They want your business because they know you are a hard worker and will make sure you pay your loan back on time. When you pay off the loan, it actually helps you out of a bind and gives your credit rating a boost it needs. Don't let the economy get you down. Things are looking up and will get back to normal in no time. Check Out The Reviews.

Monday, May 4, 2015

PKB The Portable Kettlebell Review

So everybody knows, this is how my reviews work. I will copy information about the product from Amazon, so you get the information from the companies own mouth about the product I will add a picture, then I will give you an opinion about the product in my own words. I think it is important to have the information from the company and an unbiased opinion, so you know the most about each particular product.

The Most Versatile Kettlebell Set On The Market!
This Portable Kettlebell from PKB is without a doubt the answer to your kettlebell training questions.
Portable? Take it anywhere! At home or on the road, inside the gym or outdoors. When finished, the PKB empty weighs less than 10 oz. and can be rolled up and packed up for travel on vacation or for work.
Adjustable? Choose your weight! Fill the PKB up with sand, water, dirt or rocks with sizes and weights ranging from 0 - 45lbs. Perfect for the beginner to the seasoned kettlebell enthusiast.
Versatile? More than a kettlebell! The PKB can be used as a dumbbell, weighted ball and more allowing you to create full body workouts with one piece of equipment.
Safe? Designed to protect! The PKB can be dropped and tossed without destroying you or your surroundings, within reason of course!
Key Features
• Handmade of Ballistic Nylon: Puncture, tear, abrasion resistant 
• Use just about any filler: dry or wet sand, pebbles, gravel, dirt, mud... 
• Webbing reinforced: 1,800lb+ tensile strength 
• Includes a 4" X 3" swath of loop velcro to personalize with patches 
• Made in the U.S.A. 
Reviews from Real PKB Users
• a lot harder than training with iron! 
• A plus is that it's soft, so it doesn't beat up my arms when I press with it. It does exactly what I wanted. 
• Love traveling with these! We travel to mostly beaches so I can fill them up easily and get in just as intense of a workout as if I were in the gym. I even use them for training clients outside! 
Don't miss out on your chance at the greatest kettlebell training available! Get your Portable Kettlebell TODAY!

I received this product in exchange for my honest review. First of all, I waited to the last minute to review this product for two reasons. One, because I hurt my bag, which makes my daughter the star on YouTube and not me. Secondly, the company is particular about how you put this product on Facebook and it was just not working for me on Tomoson. Bad luck for me, I guess. This product is a good product, but is not water proof. We wanted to use water in it because it is easier and cleaner than going outside and using sand. Yes, sand works, but can be messy. The Kettlebell is solid and easy to use. #pkb Now we just put a video of this Kettlebell on YouTube. I didn't put sand in it because I hurt my back. My eight year old little girl put rocks in it, so she could show everybody that a little girl can use this Kettlebag too.  Khloe is the star and she proves even a little girl (who has a dad who hurt his back) can use this Kettlebell