Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dead On This Day March 31

Check Out Those Dead On This Day March 31

J. P. Morgan, American financier, dead on this day on 1913

Anne Frank, German-born diarist, The Diary of Anne Frank, is one of the most renowned and most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she died on this day in 1945

Death is Like Taxes
We all pay the price some day
Lest All Rest In Peace

Opening Day

It's Time For Baseball
Ready For Opening Day
Bring Your Friends Today

Easter Basket Fun

My family tradition has always been to wait until Easter candy goes on sale to buy it for the kids. I don't like paying high prices just to make an Easter basket. I have been doing this for years. My wife decided she would give the kids their own Easter baskets this morning on Easter. I have no problem with it, but I will still stick to my family traditions

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dead On This Day March 30

Check Out Those Dead On This Day March 30

James Cagney, American actor who was one of the most famous American actors, ranked eighth on the American Film Institute Greatest Male Stars of All Time, won an Oscar for his role in Yankee Doodle Dandy and was President of the Screen Actors Guild for two years. He died on this day in 1986

Death is Like Taxes
We all pay the price some day
Lest All Rest In Peace

Friday, March 29, 2013

Publix Coupons Valid Through 4/4/2013

$1.00 Off_________________________
any One (1) Lipton® Tea product, excluding Ready to Drink
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.00 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Muir Glen® canned tomatoes
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.50 Off_________________________
any One (1) Hellmann's® product, 22 oz. or larger
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.25 Off_________________________
any One (1) Swanson® canned poultry, 4.5 oz.
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$2.00 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Campbell's® Slow Kettle® Style Soups
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$2.00 Off_________________________
any Three (3) Campbell's® Chunky™ Soups
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$2.00 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Pillsbury® Ready to Bake! Cookies
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.00 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Green Giant® canned mushrooms
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.00 Off_________________________
any Three (3) Betty Crocker® Helpers, hamburger,
chicken or tuna
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.25 Off_________________________
any One (1) Knorr® Homestyle Stock product
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.50 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Ragú® Pasta Sauce products, 16 oz. or larger
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013
$1.00 Off_________________________
any Two (2) Campbell's® Condensed Soups, excluding
Chicken Noodle and Tomato, 10.75 oz.
Print Coupon
Valid Through 4/4/2013

Best Meals Happen At Home Recipe-Chicken and Vegetable Bake

4 servings  |  Prep Time: 20 minutes  |  Cook Time: 30 minutes
1  can (10¾ oz.) Campbell's® Condensed Cream of Chicken
    Soup (Regular or 98% Fat Free)
1/2  cup milk
Dash ground black pepper
1  cup broccoli or cauliflower florets, cooked
1  cup LeSueur® canned carrots
1  cup Green Giant® green beans
1/4  cup red pepper strips, cooked
1  can (12.5 oz.) Swanson® Premium White Chunk Chicken Breast in
    Water, drained
1  can (2.8 oz.) French fried onions (1⅓ cups)
Stir the soup, milk, black pepper, broccoli, LeSueur® carrots, Green
Giant® green beans, red pepper, chicken and ½ can onions in a
1½-quart casserole. Bake at 350°F. for 20 minutes or until the chicken
mixture is hot and bubbling. Stir the chicken mixture. Sprinkle with the
remaining onions. Bake for 10 minutes or until the onions are golden

You can substitute 3 cans (4.5 ounces each) Swanson®
Premium White Chunk Chicken Breast in Water, drained, for the
12.5 ounce can.

The Medical Device That Gives You The Freedom You Want

You are an older individual who loves their independence. You have some health problems, but you don't want to have to live in an assisted living facility. Your don't want your health problems to keep you from living at home, where you want to be.. On the other hand, your family cares about you and they want you to be able to get in touch with medical care immediately if the need arises. You have heard about medical devices, there are many to choose from. You and your family want the best possible medical device on the market for you. Have you heard of Vitalalert?

Vitalalert is the best medical device system in the business. You know that seconds or minutes can mean life or death when you are having a medical emergency. Vitalalert offers a medical alert pendant that you can wear on your wrist, around your neck or connected to your belt. With one press of a button, you can have an emergency vehicle dispatched to your house, saving time and your life. If you just need a nurse, another button connects you to an on duty nurse who is available 24/7. You no longer have a reason to move to assisted living.

My grandmother loved to live at home. She had some health problems, but home is where she wanted to be.  She lived a long and happy life where she wanted to be, without having to stick to a schedule she did not ask for. Why get stuck in assisted living when you can have a nurse or emergency services there to help you within minutes? With Vitalalert, you can enjoy living independently at your own home. Your home is the place where you feel most comfortable anyway. Check out this system and continue enjoying the freedom to do what you want to and when you want to do it.

Disaster In The Kitchen

My wife bought a set of Corelle dishes at WalMart. We used them for awhile and one day I did the dishes. I slipped and dropped a bowl on the floor. The corelle bowl exploded like a bomb and flew across the kitchen. Luckily, none of the pictures hit me or anybody else in the house. Here are some pictures of the disaster in the kitchen.

Dead On This Day March 29

Check Out Those Dead On This Day March 29

Ted Kluszewski, American baseball player, 1st baseman, Kluszewski was inducted into the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and Museum in 1962, he died on this day on 1988

Death is Like Taxes
We all pay the price some day
Lest All Rest In Peace

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Place To Call For Foundation Repair In Houston

My wife's friend had to move to Houston. Her company was bought out and moved to three cities, one of them was Houston. Beth did not want to move, but she had no other choice. Her husband was also losing his job and he thought he could find opportunities in Houston. They moved there about five years ago and find a nice home at a good price. A couple of years ago, they noticed cracks growing in their outside walls. They never saw anything like this at their home in Florida. They needed to call a company and find out what was going on with their home. I helped them make a search for Houston Foundation Company to see what we could find on the internet. We found a company comes out to your house and gives you an honest opinion about the foundation of your house. We all know if the foundation is bad, it won't hold the weight of your home. This ends up in a huge mess unless you get it fixed.

Our friends told us they had to have their foundation fixed. I don't understand the specifics, but they said the company did a good job. The best news they received was the company offered a lifetime warranty of their work. How many companies do you know that will stand behind their work like this company? In today's world, there are not enough honest companies we can deal with. When you find an honest company, you want to tell your friends all about this company. You want them to get the same professional treatment you received from this honest company. That is why I tell all my friends about a company that gives me excellent service and is completely honest with me.

I am glad I don't have any foundation problems with my house. I have enough problems to deal with on an everyday basis. If I lived in Houston and had a problem with my foundation, I would know who to call. An honest company that does a great job fixing the foundation of your home. If you live in the Houston area, check out this company for all your foundation needs. They will check out the problem and fix what is ailing your house. They will stand behind their work and will make sure you and your family are safe during the process.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Looking Forward To A Road Trip To San Diego

I always wanted to take a trip to San Diego. I have already been to Los Angeles and Burbank, loved them both. California has always been a dream to me. I think it was all those television shows I used to watch that showed the beaches and made California look intriguing. When I visited, I was not disappointed with the state. My first visit was an eight hour hold over in the airport. The second stay was for a wedding and the third stay was a Christmas vacation. Every time I visited my friend, I asked him to drive me to San Diego. I finally came up with a good idea. My friend likes to invest and I told him he should check out some san diego short sales. This idea made my friend think seriously about a road trip to San Diego. We decided to check everything out online first. We wanted to see what we were getting into and what San Diego really had to offer us.  I like the internet because it is easy to find the information you need when you need it.

My friend and I found a bunch of cool properties in San Diego. They were short sales and were discounted by the bank. This perked the interest of my friend and his wife. I was just waiting for them to take a road trip to San Diego, so I could check out the place. Our plans were smashed the next day because we had a big rain storm. My friend does not like driving in traffic and he likes rain less. The following day, I had to catch my plane and go home. I never made it to San Diego. Maybe I will go the next time we visit our friends.

A couple of months later, my friend calls me and tells me he finally took a trip to San Diego. He actually looked at a couple of houses and he wished I was able to go with him. Two visits and I cannot get him to drive to San Diego. I leave and he not only goes, but checks out a couple of short sales. At first, I was a bit grumpy at my friend. When he told me about the houses, I changed my tune. He wanted me to take another trip to Burbank and go with him on his next visit. He was actually going to make an offer on one of the houses. How can you be grumpy at a friend who pays your way and gives you another chance at a real vacation? I can't wait to check out that house.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Dead On This Day March 28

Check out those Dead On This Day March 28

Jim Thorpe, American athlete, Pro Football Hall of Famer who won two Olympic Gold Medals also played MLB for the New York Giants, Cincinnati Reds and Boston Braves, he died on this day in 1953

Death is Like Taxes
We all pay the price some day
Lest All Rest In Peace

A Good Tutor Can Improve Your Life

My friend Doug has been a tutor most of his adult life. He tutors children who have trouble with English. He goes into their homes and tutors them until they are ready to do their work by themselves. He does a great job as a tutor and has nothing but good comments from the parents. He works for a couple of tutoring companies and is looking to connect with more. There are all kinds of tutor companies out there including Valencia tutors. Some tutor companies are better than others and my friend only works with the best. He has a Master's Degree in Education and is really serious about his work. Doug is serious enough about his work to come up with his own business idea.

Doug and I have a big thing in common, we are both married to Filipino women. Doug's wife is from Manila and my wife was born in Cebu. His idea is to teach women in the Philippines who are engaged to American men. The idea is to teach these women correct English. Many Filipino women are taught English in school, but their English is lacking. Doug's idea is to teach them English while they are still in the Philippines, so they have a head start when they come to the United States. This would help them deal better with homesickness and get a job easier. He would use a program that allows him to teach the women in the Philippines, while he is standing here in the US. 

My idea to Doug was to also encourage these women to learn to drive while they are still living in the Philippines. Most Filipino women come the the United States with no driving skills. It can take them years to learn how to drive in our society. If the Filipino women learn both English and driving skills in the Philippines it would be a huge help to them in the Philippines. They could get a job much easier and learn how to drive themselves to work. This would also take a little pressure off their husbands financially and help both members of the marriage to deal with schedules.  Tutoring is important and can really change a child's and even an adult's life for the good.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Succeed With Reccuring Payment Software

My friend began a cleaning business a few years ago. He started out small and eventually his business grew into a success. He did such a good job that everybody wanted to work with his company. His business hit a pot hole when some of the companies wanted to play hard ball. He would do the work and the companies would not pay him right away. This really put a damper on his bottom line. He was paying a crew and the money began to run out because the businesses did not do their part and pay him for his hard work. My friend decided it was time to invest in some Reccuring Payment Software with a company that really knew how to deal with companies like he was dealing with. Within weeks, my friend's payments were all caught up. He was able to pay his employees and they were able to pay their bills. Word got around that my friend did not mess around with payments. He already had a good reputation as a company and now he had another reputation he could back up. There was another important company that had my friend's back.

Has this ever happened to you? You do a good job for a company and they are slow to pay you? You send some products to another company and they decide they will pay you last. This is one of those situations that can really put a dent in the success of your business. That is why recurring payments are important. All the companies who owe you know exactly when they need to pay you. There are no longer any excuses to keep your money from flowing. Some companies like you to believe they don't pay you because they are having some sort of trouble. They are often holding your money to make sure money is flowing through their own business. They don't care as much about your business as you care. This is why you need to watch your own back. You need to connect with a recurring payment company that will get the job done for you. They will watch your back and make sure the flow of money keeps going. I believe that would be the type of company all of us would love to deal with.   

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Join In On The 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

I have challenged myself. I am a few pounds overweight, but I would like to lose twenty. I work out all the time, but I also love to eat. After all these years, I weigh 210 and I want to weight 190 pounds. If you saw me, you wouldn't consider me overweight, but I am not in the best shape of my life. This is why I have decided to take the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Come on bloggers,You can join in on the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge too. Check it out, Apply and join in on the fun. This is the time to make sure you are the best you that you can possibly be.

I have chosen to try  the 30 Day Diet™ - Diet right, day or night I will try this for 90 days and will keep you up on my progress. I hope you will join me and lose those extra pounds you have always wanted to lose. I chose this diet because using it for 90 days should give me the chance to lose the twenty pounds I would love to lose.

30 Day Diet Product Image
View Supplemental Facts Panel
Quick slimming is not a new idea. Hollywood is famous for crash diets to trim down before the red carpet night, and we've got the right diet supplement to get you ready for your red carpet. The difference with 30 Day Diet™ is it doesn't put a vat of cabbage soup in front of you and shame you into shunning normal food. Instead it combines clinically supported herbal extracts such as Lychee Fruit Extract, African Mango, and Raspberry Ketones for weight loss, increased energy, and greater appetite control. With a faster metabolism, more zip, and fewer cravings, you can't help but lose weight. Get your supply of 30 Day Diet™ today, and make it happen!

This is the information on the diet I will be trying. I hope you can come and join me and become a better you. Remember to apply to take this challenge.

The Other Side Of Contractor Management

Florida is an interesting place. You have the sun and warm weather, the beach and the sand. Many people move to Florida because they love hot weather and they want to begin a new life. We moved here because my wife got a great job offer. The company flew her here and made her an offer she cold not refuse. When we moved here, we stayed in an apartment for the first year until we had a down payment for a house. We learned the hard way that contractor management is a very important thing in Florida. Not all companies are what they seem in Florida. There are companies that comply to the rules, there are companies that are just around for a little while Those around for a little while, don't follow the rules. They want to make money off unsuspecting people, rip them off, and take off to another town far away. When you are looking for a home here in Florida, make sure you check out the company thoroughly. If you don't, this decision may come back and bit you hard in your wallet.

We had a bad experience with an air conditioner company. They put in a new air conditioner and were out of business in three months. They broke off and started the same company in Miami where they ripped off more unsuspecting people. They finally got a really bad name on the internet and hopefully people checked them out before doing business with them. The bad companies will get you if you don't watch your back. In Florida, if you don't watch your back, you will pay for it.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very good contractors in Florida. They comply to all the laws through contractor management. They do the job right and they stand behind the work they do. Fraud it big in Florida, so it is important to get involved with the right contractors. There are good companies that make sure these companies comply to the rules and regulations of the state. We finally found a good air-conditioner company. They fixed our new air conditioner up right and we no longer have any problems with it. They are rated perfect on the Better Business Bureau website. I hope you move to Florida and enjoy all we have to offer. I also hope you learn from my experience and watch your back when doing business here. Not everything is what it seems. Make sure you check out a company before you give them your hard earned money.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

When You Are Caught Speeding in California

We took a trip to California to visit our friends and go to their wedding. My wife knows her friend from Cebu and I met her husband when they lived in Indiana. He moved to California for various reasons. His new wife was from the Philippines and there are plenty of Filipino things in California. His family lives in Burbank and he was offered an excellent job near Los Angeles. He knew his new wife would be happier in California, so he decided to move there. He met her at the airport and they prepared for their wedding together. Technically, they were already married in the Philippines, but they wanted a Catholic wedding in the United States for his family. We made plans to fly from Florida to LA and prepared for our trip. Once we made it to California,we would stay at our friend's new home. We were bring two small children and we knew this trip was going to be interesting. It turned out to be even more interesting that we expected.

The trip on the plane was uneventful. My daughter cried a little, but she felt better after I held her in my arms. My son loved to look at the clouds out of the window of the plane. Our friends had a friend meet us at the airport. They would have picked us up themselves, but they were busy with big wedding preparations. The guy was nice, he even helped us with our bags. When he got on the streets of California, he changed a bit. He yelled at other drivers and drove at a high rate of speed. Eventually the police saw us, he was stopped and was ticketed for Speeding in California. We did make it safe to our friend's house and they were apologetic. Their friend was known for rushing through traffic, but he was the only one available. The wedding was beautiful and our vacation was fun. Our children loved the food and the wedding cake. My daughter even danced at the wedding. The only speed bump was that trip we had from the airport to our friend's house. Good thing they changed drivers on the way back to the airport.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Dead On This Day March 27

Check Out Those Dead On This Day March 27

Dudley Moore, British actor in funny films, he died on this day in 2002. I remember one of the first movies my brother watched had Dudley Moore as the lead actor

Death is Like Taxes
We all pay the price some day
Lest All Rest In Peace

Buy A Good Razor For A Smooth Shave

I am old fashioned, I like a classic shave with no frills. I have always done my shaving by myself. My dad went to the barber, but that straight razor was too much for me. I have a good razor that I always use, it gives me a smooth shave every time. I remember when I began shaving, I was only sixteen. I saw my father shave and I wanted to try it out. I got his shaving cream and wiped it all over my face. I took his razor and shaved my face. After I was done, my face hurt from all of the cuts I managed to get on my face. My father used a disposable razor and it was dull. It cut me up pretty good. I made the matter worse by throwing aftershave on my face. I have to admit, I almost cried from that horrible experience. I thought shaving was the worst thing ever. This was until I bought my own razor when I joined the Army. I bought a good old fashioned razor that gave me a smooth shave every time. I had no trouble shaving and I hardly ever got a cut on my face. I still winch when I remember that first shave I gave myself at sixteen.

Now I am a middle-aged man who likes a good shave. I bought one of the best razors and I never worry about cutting up my face. Modern razors have technology behind them. They shave through my beard easily without leaving a mark. I can shave my face in under two minutes without worrying about a defective blade hurting me. I may be old fashioned, but I also like to get that perfect shave. After I shave my face, I feel much cleaner and ready to go out into the world. I remember the old razors. You had no idea what you were in for. You could buy a new razor and cut up your face with that first touch of blade to face. Men and woman know that a good blade doesn't cut their skin, it protects their skin from getting cut. A good blade cuts the stubble and leaves the skin in tact. I still remember that first shave, it was a horrible shave. I winch when I remember throwing aftershave on my raw cut up face. I am so glad I never have to worrying about that happening to me ever again. Make sure you buy a good razor and you will get the best shave of your life.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Khloe's Detailed School Project

Khloe And Dr. Seuss

A Stump Grinder Will Make Your Job Easier

I had four acres of land in Indiana. There were thorn trees everywhere. I do not know the name of the trees. I just know that they had thorns protruding from every branch. I chopped down some of the trees with an ax. I did it this way for exercise, but it got old fast. I had to buy a chain saw to cut down the rest of the trees.  It took me months to cut down all the thorn trees myself. I bet I cut down hundreds of trees and I was pokes by dozens of thorns. The thing about the thorns is they poke into your skin and break off. You get a piece stuck in your body that really hurts. The thorns poked through gloves and protective clothing. Finally, I was finished cutting down all the trees and burning the wood. I had about a hundred stumps still in my yard, it was a mess. I needed a stump grinder to take care of the rest of the work. I found good stump grinders to finish the rest of the work. After months of hard work, my yard was finally beginning to look like a real yard. I planted grass and decided to put in a few apple trees. In a few more months, my yard was really beginning to look good.

I moved from that home in Indiana to Florida. Sometimes, I still miss that place. It had a view of a small mountain and deer would always come right up to my doors. I don't miss the wind blowing up the hills. I don't miss the tornadoes or the cold winter nights, but part of me still misses the log home I owned in Indiana. I believe part of it was all of the hard work I did to make that place look nice. It was hard taking care of four acres by myself, but I had something to be proud of when I was done. Cutting down trees and breaking up stumps is hard work. Buying the right equipment to get the job done, makes the job a whole lot easier. I remember trying to chop up the stumps with an ax before I bought the stump grinder. I managed to break out one small stump with the ax, but it took me an entire afternoon to accomplish this job. If you find yourself with a ton of tree work, make sure you buy the right equipment to make your job easier. One other thing I don't miss about Indiana is those thorns cutting through my skin.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Glass Awards and Trophies Should Be Earned

My children love to go to the bowling alley. A couple years ago, we decided to join a league. We didn't win and I think it was my fault. I tore my rotator cuff, a slight tear. It was taking forever to heal and it hurt when I tried to bowl. One week, I would bowl great, the next week I would bowl horrible. I believe we came in last place, but it was a ton of fun. The next year, my children asked if they could join the bowling league at their school. My wife and I thought it would be a great idea because the kids would get some exercise. Our kids bowled on the same team and they won first place. The next year, they won second place and they won individual awards too. Our living room cabinets were filling up fast with Glass Awards and Trophies from their bowling. The awards were great, but the smiles on their faces was even better. I had no idea my children were going to win when they joined the bowling league. I decided to have them join because of the fun and the exercise.

This year, my children were placed on separate teams against my will. I have a schedule to keep and this change made me late one week for work. My daughter was placed on a team with the two boys who have ants in their pants. The boys do everything except bowl and it takes forever for us to get out of the bowling alley. My kids will not win any trophies this year. They are better bowlers together than they are apart. My kids were put on two separate teams that have the kids that are not the best bowlers. It bothered me at first, but I no longer care. My children still have fun and they try their best. That is all I ask, the awards they received were just icing on the cake. Besides, we have tons of trophies in our cabinets, some of the other kids can use a few. Trophies and awards are great, but they should not be given out to each child. I believe a child should earn each reward they get because it gives them the push to be successful in everything they do. Next year, I believe my kids will try something different. I will enter them into the world of martial arts.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

A Sketch Of Mom By Six Year Old Khloe

Khloe loves to draw each and every day. A couple of weeks ago, she decided to draw a sketch of her mom

Get A Passport Fast When You Are In A Pinch

My passport ran out a couple of years ago. It is the same passport I purchased to take three trips to the Philippines. I need a new passport because I plan on going to the Philippines again next year. Sometimes we go through Japan and China on the way to the Philippines. They both check and stamp your passport on the way through. I also want to take a trip to Europe and I may even want to take a quick trip to Canada for some fun on the slopes. When I want to get a passport, I want to get it for free. There are places like NYC passports where you can get your passports very fast. I am a busy person, so this is the type of service I need to make my life easier. If you need a fast passport, there are places that will and can help you.

Do you want to take a trip to another country? I remember dreaming about going to Africa and Australia when I was a kid. I thought it would be fun to go on a safari. Lately, I have been thinking about going to Ireland to see the family crest. It is interesting knowing your family comes from certain places and never really being there yourself. My grandparents (on my mother's side) came to the United States from Germany during World War II. We have many relatives from different countries and I would love to see them all. I heard Europe is beautiful and I would love to see it in person with my own two eyes. All this traveling takes a passport because they check it everywhere you go.

If you are in a pinch and need a passport, you can get one within 24-28 hours. All you need is identification and a company like NYC passports will hook you up. Due to dangerous people, traveling oversees has become tougher than in the past. Some countries really check out everything you bring with you. Not only do they check out your passports, they check out everything you own. China will open every bag you have and the United States will check out most of the things you bring in from other countries. Make sure you are ready for everything or you will be surprised. Your passport is easy as long as you know where to go.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

Six Year Old Khloe's Rendition Of Dr. Seuss

Khloe's school is having Dr. Seuss month and she loves to draw. These are pictures about what she learned by reading a bunch of Dr. Seuss books. Children are very creative and encouraging them helps them keep this creativity. Thursday, all the children from Khloe's school are allowed to wear Dr. Seuss shirts to school.